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Writer's picture: Michael Dooley (178997)Michael Dooley (178997)

Updated: Feb 29, 2020

Sponsored Parent Visa - 870

Here are some more details for those of you that are interested in the New Sponsored Parent Visa (subclass 870). Last week we provided a snapshot of details released by the Department Of Home Affairs for this new visa. As of yet we can confirm the exact criteria as laid down in the regulations has not yet been released.

Keep in touch, we will endeavour to update you when all the details are released and dont forget you can avail of our FREE consultation to find out about visa eligibility and pricing etc.

Parent Visa 870

Over other Parent Visa what are the benefits of the new Sponsored Visa?

Probably the most important aspect of this visa is that there is no Balance of Family Test to be satisfied. There are many parents who are not legible for parent visas because of this fact; now it does not matter how many children are Australian Permanent Residents or Citizens.

No requirement for the parent to travel outside Australia for up to 5 years. This is a significant benefit to those families in Australia who have children and need the grandparents to be here while they are out working.

As we discussed previously one of the downsides for parents is that there is no access to Medicare and no permission to work during validity of the visa. Sponsorship requirements will need to be teased out, this could be an obstacle for some sponsors - we will provide more details when available. We do However we do see this sponsored parent visa as a positive development for migrant families and a stepping stone to one of the permanent parent visas; this has to be welcomed.

Subclass 870 – Sponsored Parent Visa

Without any official media release or perhaps more importantly, accompanying regulations, the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs has announced the new Sponsored Temporary Parent Visa (subclass number 870). This new visa is due to will commence on 17-April-2019 according to the Department of Home Affairs. Up to 15,000 of these visas will be granted each program year.

Sponsor Criteria

To become an approved family sponsor for a Subclass 870 – Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa, sponsors must:

Be related to the parent visa applicant. This includes adoptive or step-parents but only provided the sponsor is still married or in a de facto relationship with the biological child of the parent visa applicant;Be at least 18 years of age;Be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen and who has been usually resident in Australia for four years;Have met prior sponsor obligations;Have no debts to the Commonwealth including public health debts unless they have entered into suitable arrangements, such as a payment plan;Meet a minimum household income threshold, which may be combined with a partner or another child of the parent. The threshold amount is currently unknown;Have no adverse information, however, this may be disregarded if reasonable to do so;Provide police clearances for all countries they have spent more than 12 months in within the last 10 years;Authorise sharing information with the visa applicant. This might include sensitive information should it be a deciding factor in a visa application.

Sponsor Costs & Limitations

Government charges for sponsoring will be $420.00 and appears to allow two parents per sponsor. Sponsors can vary their sponsorship if they want to sponsor a different parent, however, they will need to withdraw sponsorship for one parent if they already have sponsored two parents.

Sponsor Obligations

Approved family sponsors should agree to abide by sponsor obligations, which include:

Providing financial support and accommodation in Australia to the parent visa holder;Keep records and provide them to Home Affairs if requested, such as evidence of income. This obligation ends two years after ceasing to be a sponsor;Advise Home Affairs when certain events occur. The example given is being charged with a crime. This obligation ends when they cease being a sponsor;Paying outstanding public health debts incurred by the parent visa holder in Australia.

Breaching a sponsor obligation may result in sponsorship cancellation or an even being barred.

Sponsor validity will last 6 months for the parent to apply for an 870 visa, and will cease if the sponsorship is withdrawn, cancelled, an approved 870 visa ceases, or the sponsor dies.

If a sponsorship ceases, it is expected Home Affairs will take steps for any granted 870 visa to be cancelled.

Parent - Visa Eligibility

Aside for being sponsored, parent visa applicants must:

Be at least 18 years old;Be outside of Australia for at least 90 days if the applicant holds or previously held an 870 visa, unless invited by Home Affairs to apply;Provide evidence of access to funds;Provide evidence of health insurance;Not have any outstanding public health debt unless suitable arrangements to repay the debt has been made;Meet certain public interest criteria such as health and character.

Australian Government visa application charges for an 870 visa will be $5,000 for a 3-year visa or $10,000 for a 5-year visa, which we feel is good value taking into account the term of the visa. The only downside of course will be the parent will generally not have work rights (minding the grandchildren is not considered work!)

This sponsored parent visa provides parents with a pathway to remain in Australia with their children and grandchildren. Due to the competitive nature of the general Parent visa places and associated lengthy waiting periods, this is a option for parents wishing to live in Australia for up to five/ten years.

The sponsored parent visa is a great alternative for parents not willing to spend significant amounts of money for a permanent visa, or wait for the excessive waiting times for standard parent visa.

There is a cap on places available for this new sponsored visa; we advise to to be prepared and have your application ready before the April deadline!

Contact Our Registered Migration Consultant For More Details:

Tel: 0455 295 988


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